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A Love Letter to Black Women's Giving!

Black women in philanthropy are not new to this, we are true to this! Our history of generosity runs deep and is alive today. But still, our efforts and success go unrecognized. Our long philanthropic tradition gives us the tools to support our communities, and the strategies for amplifying our contributions.

Illuminating and dramatic, Madam C. J. Walker’s Gospel of Giving broadens our understanding of black women’s charitable giving and establishes Walker as a foremother of African American philanthropy.

Tyrone McKinley Freeman's biography highlights how giving shaped Walker's life before and after she became wealthy. Poor and widowed when she arrived in St. Louis in her twenties, Walker found mentorship among black churchgoers and working black women. Her adoption of faith, racial uplift, education, and self-help soon informed her dedication to assisting black women's entrepreneurship, financial independence, and activism. Walker embedded her philanthropy in how she grew her business, forged alliances with groups like the National Association of Colored Women, funded schools and social service agencies led by African American women, and enlisted her company's sales agents in local charity and advocacy work.

Tyrone McKinley Freeman is an assistant professor of philanthropic studies at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

On Monday, November 9th at 5pm, F3 is pleased to partner with WOC, Women of Color in Plianthropy and Fundraising for a part 2 discussion with Dr. Freeman. Part 1 was hosted by F3 on August 31, 2020. The November event is now closed.

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