
We are on a mission to connect, support, engage, and empower
women of color in fundraising to foster personal and professional growth.
Women of color in the fundraising industry are supported, valued, and respected
Opportunities for personal and professional growth are plentiful
The field of fundraising is viewed as an empowering, meaningful, and viable career because of the contributions of women
We provide a safe space for women of color in fundraising who need support to grow personally and professionally
We support women who wish to pursue a career in fundraising with mentoring and professional advice
We help to advance the field of fundraising by sharing our talents, passion, and experience
F3 was founded out of a need to support women of color in the field of nonprofit fundraising who are often marginalized, overlooked, and dismissed. A small group of women in Atlanta, GA convened bi-monthly to provide support for one another. Common experiences, respect for individual contributions, and passion for nonprofit work created a bonded network. Through a shared view of giving back to transform the world, F3 was formed to celebrate womanhood, professional development, and the impact we make individually and collectively.
What We Offer
A safe space for women of color fundraisers
Individual talent and shared nonprofit resources
Membership is based on a limited # of seats each year
Mentoring for new professionals to the field
A think tank where new ideas are vetted and supported
Access to a network of professional, dynamic, and savvy women
A community of empowered women who empower women
Financial support for female fundraisers displaced or downsized

What We Do

Webinars, Facebook Live (*)
Book Talks and Discussion
Facebook and Linkedin pages where ideas, articles, updates, and nonprofit news are shared
Resume review services
Retreats, forums, and other special events
* Webinar topics could include Major Gifts, Grant Writing, How to Start a Nonprofit, Social Media Fundraising, Career Options for Fundraisers, Annual Fund Planning, Events that Work, Cross Section of Marketing and Development, Creating a Phenomenal Fundraiser Resume, Making the Ask, etc.)